the muse
I was in the need of a new wallet since coins were falling out of mine owing to a leaky coin compartment. All my wallets are inexpensive affairs, but I decided to splurge on a new one because I've liked it for a long time, and hell, I got some good news and I wanted to celebrate. So I caved, and shelled out for this.
The Muse wallet is a classic YSL design that's available year in year out - I fell in love with it years ago for its clean and distinct design, and the shape and size is perfect for me. Also, it looks pleasingly adult - it's generously proportioned that I no longer have receipts sticking out in odd corners like the disorganised person I am, and I look more like the purposeful, efficient person I hope to be.
I've used all my wallets to death before I change them and this will not be an exception, but I certainly do hope this one lasts a good deal longer since it cost more than all my previous wallets combined...
Alexandra, Ammu, If Jane: Thanks!