blurring the edges

A beloved chambray tunic that I realised this morning could be worn tucked in like a shirt.

And outfit yesterday -

This is one of those outfits that I can easily wear on a weekend as I do on a workday. I'm already nostalgic for casualness even before I start my new job. I hope for a casual-ish workplace attitude towards dress.


S. said…
Love the first look, there are so many subtle details packed in there and the proportions are perfect.
yanqin said…
-h: thanks! thinking about what to wear to work is taking my mind off the actual job challenges :) And I am recasting the tunics I own in a new light.

Silje: thanks, it's a tunic i fell in love without quite knowing why, and i grew to learn how to wear it, if that makes sense. works about half the time.
Victoria said…
Congrats on the new job, you must be really excited. Its great that you're able to make your existing wardrobe work for your new job, and these are both great outfits.

Stripes and chambray are two of my favourites for warmer weather.
yanqin said…
Victoria: Thanks! I'm mildly depressed that I no longer can wear jeans to work, and this is no small matter for someone who only has two pairs of non-denim trousers.

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