"Ich liebe dich, lass mich in Ruhe!"

Do check out Johanna Manke's latest project here. I don't read any German, but according to J.M Colberg over at the excellent Conscientious -

"For her latest project, Johanna Manke talked to young women and asked them about how they felt when they had their first big crush. The resulting photos were then staged, with photographer and subject trying to recreate one of those moments."

I had a terrible time deciding which photo to use for this post - they were all very affecting and and they seemed to have captured a genuine mood and feeling, even though they're posed. The red in this photo feels really intense to me.

The captions, unfortunately, are also in German, and I tried reading some of it using the handy-enough-but-still-terrible Babelfish. Better to just look, I think.

Picture taken from http://www.zeit.de/online/2008/16/bg-ich-liebe-dich?1


Elizabeth said…
That photo on it's own is very strong. I like the photos in the project very much. Thank you for sharing this.
Anonymous said…
Ich mag dieses Bild sehr.
yanqin said…
You had to make me resort to Babelfish again to understand that! (At least the translation was not nutty this time.)

Is it payback for making you visit La Garconne? :)

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