
Football. The Beautiful Game. Definitely one of the more unlikely things to find its way into this blog, but just felt I had to put up some sign of exactly what I'm most often up to these days.

I'm a fairly recreational football watcher (some Champions League here and there), but every four years I obsess over 22 men chasing a little leather ball with and intensity that alarms even me. I get little sleep, I hog the telly rather aggressively, eyes glaze over in my conversations with people as I am unable to speak of little else.

That's Germany there, doing me proud. People say they're boring compared to all those flashy South Americans, but I've always had my eye on their dynamic and irrepressible younger players. And yep, their first showing, destroying Australia 4-0, gave me incredible satisfaction because they were, shall we say, FAR from boring.

Picture from nyt


Anonymous said…
go the Germans =) but Australia are not very good. Personally I'm going for south Africa (cause i was born there)
yanqin said…
Have to agree with that point about Australia, haha.

I can't wait to see if being the host will continue to bring out the best in South Africa (like S Korea in '02)!

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