mid-week thoughts

Garance Dore
I like to slow down in the middle of the week to kick back and reflect, and also think ahead about what's next.
To do: Get more sleep, pay my taxes and get my work goals in order, and buy some nice coffee and snacks to keep at my desk so that I stop drinking the piss and Snickers they sell at the office.
What I did manage to do this week so far: Getting started on "Just Kids" by Patti Smith (a birthday present), going on a 10-km walk at a nature reserve near my house with a friend before work, and deciding against buying a sleeveless linen shirt in the Outnet clearance sale because although I would like a more upscale version of my old ASOS one, it has served me well enough over the years. One of the things I'm trying to do better when it comes to shopping is to resist the urge to upgrade for the sake of upgrading, when the item in question is not at all poor in quality and fit.
I have the day off tomorrow, so I'm going for yoga, and then kick back with a friend, watch "Captain America" and show her the spectacular blister I got from the walk (I don't understand how it happened, I wore thick, cushy socks).
I love this Garance Dore picture. I wouldn't wear tie-dye trousers, but I'll love to channel that easy, barefoot vibe.
How's everyone's week so far?
Picture from Garance Dore
what kind of work will you be doing, and where? it sounds like a very exciting time ahead.
ammu: oh, where did you go?
cato: I read somewhere that to de-stress, it's good to reflect on things you've managed to check off your list, rather then focusing on what's undone. It really does work, for me, especially when I'm going to bed. hope you're feeling better :)
I love the essence of that pic as well, while I too would never wear tie-dye pants I like the atmosphere of the image. If only it wasn't winter :(
Camille: I am enjoying it! And thanks for the tip, shall give it a try. I think the blister became so bad because it "reburst" forming and swelling during the walk and forming and swelling again.I'm lucky I dont have some kind of infection.
la fille mal gardee: Exactly! I think sometimes I get carried away by the "aspirational" factor and forget about the wasteful aspect.
Ammu: Whenever you talk about India, I feel like it's a mistake I haven't planned a trip there :) Need to correct that!
ACC: Thanks! I do feel a little guilty about the probably not very ethical origins of some of my clothes, and that sometimes pushes me to "upgrade" them, but buying more clothes is NOT the solution. Sometimes I can't believe how irrational my mind gets when it comes to shopping :)
Those trousers are amazing ... would be like wearing a sunset, I suppose! And I'm always down with kicking it barefoot. I rarely wear shoes in summer (and at home, indoors, I go barefoot in winter too, despite the freezing temperatures outside). Of course, this sometimes this has it's disadvantages ... I did get a piece of glass embedded it my foot just the other day!
Hope your week is still going well. <3
I like the image of trousers as a sunset :)
cato: good to know you're better! i almost booked myself on a flight to japan to catch the summer sonic music festival because I needed a break - unfortunately tickets to the festival are sold out anyway....
ammu: I will!
lifeisamaze: On her, it certainly is.