all i need...
After yoga today I window-shopped in town before I headed to work, and oh, how lovely it is to feel summer-weight clothing in shops again. It's wonderful to look at shop windows and see looks that really inspire me because I can actually wear them.
The 3.1 Phillip Lim spring/summer collection had me cooing over the pure, sculptural forms; my heart fluttered at these breezy Vanessa Bruno Athé spring trousers the colour of Ming porcelain (both the Athé and main collections are actually really lovely).
But when you get down to it, Vanessa Jackman is right. All you need to usher in warmer days is something loose, white and crisp, bare legs, comfy shoes you can hop, skip and jump in. Forget shopping. Hello sunshine*.

*If this dratted rain stops.
Picture from Vanessa Jackman
The 3.1 Phillip Lim spring/summer collection had me cooing over the pure, sculptural forms; my heart fluttered at these breezy Vanessa Bruno Athé spring trousers the colour of Ming porcelain (both the Athé and main collections are actually really lovely).
But when you get down to it, Vanessa Jackman is right. All you need to usher in warmer days is something loose, white and crisp, bare legs, comfy shoes you can hop, skip and jump in. Forget shopping. Hello sunshine*.
*If this dratted rain stops.
Picture from Vanessa Jackman
Do shops where you are sell heavy wintry clothing even though there's no need for it in your climate? That seems bizarre.
I've got a couple of oversized white shirts like this that I'm looking forward to teaming with some denim shorts once the weather is warmer (which for us on the U.S. west coast is usually June, sigh).
minima/maxima, a blog about minimalist style
Rebecca: I like my clothes loose, but not too oversized - can't do the baggy look either!
Catherine: You're right, there are lots of variations to play with. I like this one because she keeps it so clean and I especially love her Chucks.
petrichore: I saw this and immediately did a post because I love it that much. Can't wait for the weekends when I can break out the shorts. But it's been rainy here even though it's not as wet as Dec. Literally puts a dampener on things.
Joy: It's so nice to see clothes made of cotton instead of wool in my favourite shops, haha.
Maja H: I wish I could wear something like that every day.