i get lifted

(that's Cindy Whitehead)
After I whinged a bit last week about feeling depressed about, um, black trousers. I managed to find two days where I could go about my business in jeans.
Monday was a public holiday (Happy 45th Singapore!) but I had to work. Fortunately, I could happily do so wearing jeans, a black pullover, and some long unworn high-top sneakers.
Yesterday afternoon I had a freelance assignment and I ducked home first, so I changed into a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt and some Chucks, with a chunky taupe long cardi.
I feel right as rain now. I also realised that missing the carefree joys of simply running out in jeans and sneakers fed a compulsion to shop over the last six months (even though it didn't actually translate into much actual buying). I was looking for something that could replicate that feeling, when what I needed was to wear more of the stuff that was going unworn in my closet.
It also fed a sudden desire to buy things that were very "smart" - I developed a sudden interest in the perfect black dress and kept trying them on (I wisely resisted. Plus I liked none of them). I was trying to embrace things that fitted my new daily requirements better.
If only I knew tossing on a pair of jeans every now and then was the trick to getting all this out of my system.
Picture from Wild World of Skateboarding via tomboy style