
Photographer: Tamu McPherson
Orange can too be subtle. I think she got her colours absolutely right. Of course, I approve of this because I too, wore a bright colour today to celebrate Happy Mondays: I am headed for a dive trip at Sipadan, Malaysia in two weeks (Jacques Cousteau called it an "untouched piece of art" when he first went there in the forties, doubtless it has been touched and changed since). I am also headed to Malaysia in October to watch Thomas Berdych, Robin Soderling and a smattering of rather good tennis players at the Malaysian Open, woot!
I feel greatly contented after the past weekend, having devoured the first two volumes of Steig Larsson's "Millennium" trilogy (I was greatly intrigued by this bestseller series after this NYT article) and finding they exceed expectations. This is a surprise because just about every thriller/mystery I read usually makes me cringe with the cheese. I also caught the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as part of my newfound passion.
I took a good long run in exhilarating pre-storm weather at the reservoir near my place.
I completed three work assignments in a burst of industrious-ness and feel quite proud of my discipline.
I think I can start the week without vomiting!
Picture from all the pretty birds