the comfort of objects
I have approached dressing without interest since my return from my trip. That is, if it is possible to not take an interest in what I'm putting on and yet feel satisfied by my appearance when I walk out the door each day?
The dominant mood buster at the moment is work, which evokes a gamut of emotions, none of them especially positive. But my wardrobe has been reliable. It is of some comfort to me to reach absently for something in my closet and find it perfectly appropriate without dwelling on it too much. Occasionally, I pull out a piece I'm especially fond of that evokes a particular memory, and I smile.
Ordinary things that feel special keeps me going. Fresh flowers. The laughter of one of my oldest friends. A handful of roasted almonds. Cool, dry breeze on a sunny day. Reaching the bus stop just as the bus arrives.
And the occasional Liz Lemon morale booster: "And one day they will name a sandwich after me." Dream big.
How's everyone's week coming along?
I am having a fairly relaxed week, a few annoyances, but that's life. The highlight is getting some good feedback on a project at work and spending time with friends over good food. And of course delhi's slower than usual lapse into summer - the weather's been very pleasant, which makes me happy. Not a bad way to spend April.
But yes, timing public transport to negate the wait is very satisfying and hopefully my painting class tonight will be too.
editor: You're precisely right. I suppose a trip that didn't do any of those things would have been a wasted one.
pret a porter p: that's such a huge downer, but you've such a great attitude abt it.
My week is going well. No complaints here.
Love how worn-in your garments look, the comfort you draw from friends when work gets tedious.
I have been good. Got an ipad recently and I think I am a news junky now. Enjoying Mr Brown, The Temasek Times for jucier bits.
Lindsay K: Thanks. There are Birds of Paradise blooming very nicely in my neighbourhood at the moment. Actually they bloom year round here but this look exceptional this time.
Eileen: Oh yes, the holiday was a godsend! Not I spent it very productively but it was very indulgent.
The Temasek Times' anti-foreigner angle gets a bit tiring after a while though! That said, yes, the iPad is so great for casual browsing without having to sit at a computer.
Alice: 30 Rock always makes me feel better.