

It was actually possible to wear a sweater all day today (miracles do happen on the equator), and most of this top was hidden under a grey sweater today, with only the collar visible. Which I don't mind because it is my favourite part of the top. It's as Peter Pan a collar as I can take.


kajsa said…
My plan for this year is to find a pair of perfect flats with black toe. Or maybe without, or maybe I'll have to buy two.
Kate said…
that's a really nice outfit. i love the thought of those trousers with a grey jumper and nice flats. it's going to be boots weather here til about April!
miss sophie said…
cute and chic but not twee. i think my fear of excess twee a few years led me to vow never to step foot in an anthropologie again...
Fabliha said…
Iove your bag!
yanqin said…
Pret a Porter P: Thanks! I like them, but on me, they look too cutesy, haha. But you;re right about this one looking a little more "sporty" - the vaguely tennis-y vibe was one reason I bought it.

kajsa: I love two-toned flats like that, it actually took me a long time to find a pair like these. Maybe some day I'll buy those dream Chanels but it pains me to think that they'll probably fall apart after a year of my kind of hard wearing.

Kate: Thanks! I admit I was inspired partly by this, and by "An Education".

miss sophie: Thanks! I am wary of twee-ness as well - it just feels very wrong on me.

Fabliha: Thanks!

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