me, me, me

Looking through some scans from the Olsen twin's book 'Influence', the thought that entered my head was, 'How nice to be able to just blah on about what you like, and have it very nicely packaged'.

I sound sore, but I don't mean to be caustic, I really do think it's fantastic to have the resources to realise your inspirations - it's the same motivation behind why I started a blog. Because I wanted space to blah on about things I find beautiful, interesting, inspiring.
This NYT article here tries to scratch at exactly what the appeal of the Olsens are to legions of females young and old - the number of bloggers out there who claim their style as an influence is just staggering. I have to admit, they have awesome taste in bags.
I noticed this is my 555th post. I like the number.
Scans of 'Influence' from olsensanonymous; image of Olsens at book party from
I think all of us bloggers are using our blogs as the platform to blah about what we love.