oh, to age like this...

Here's Betty Catroux (sitting with Pierre Berge), my dream YSL woman, who makes everyone else look like pretenders. She's not even trying and she outcools women one-third her age.
Picture from www.style.com


Jennifer said…
very cool - though it helps that her aesthetic is so disciplined. flawless execution of cool, and well done to suit her maturity. curious how she would look without dyed hair...
yanqin said…
Yes, that's the whole point of a disciplined aesthetic isn't it? Which is basically my Holy Grail. I would think if her hair was grey-streaked or completely white, it would still work, but now you've got me wondering how she would look without sunglasses...
Jennifer said…
well, there is a picture of her in this weekend's nytimes style magazine, "T." page 125. she is wearing tinted glasses, but basically her face is visible and she looks... gaunt, from head to toe. interesting how this picture reveals a very different angle (literally) and impression of her than yours does.

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