notes for march

Ilhara Valley, Turkey, July 2013
I took the last week of February off, and these are some of the things I got up to:
- Getting my rescue diver certification. Towing an unconscious person on the water while stopping every five seconds to give the person mouth-to-mouth is hard! It's also been scary listening to the instructor's horror stories of diving emergencies. I may pass the test but whether I'll lose my wits in an actual emergency is another matter.
- Reading. I finished "Bring Up The Bodies" by Hillary Mantel. I think it's even better than "Wolf Hall".
- Watching movies old and new - "Her", "The Lego Movie", "My Week with Marilyn", "Dallas Buyers Club", "This is the End". I recommend the first three more than the last two.
- Eating and sleeping.
A few things I should have done more of:
- Exercise! I spent so much time catching up with friends and lying around reading that I missed most of my usually yoga classe, while my sore knee has been making running a pain. Hopefully I can kickstart a new swimming regime and get back on track with yoga this month.
- Crossing off the boring errands: buying odds and ends needed for diving, repairing the scratched lens cover on my phone, etc.
- Baking/Cooking: I had a super yummy egg frittata last week and I think it's one of those simple dishes I won't regret mastering. Does anyone have a good recipe to share?
Some other things I have been loving:
- A much reduced shoe collection: I got rid of my most worn-out shoes and now rotate between five pairs for work - my two pairs of Dieppa Restrepo lace-ups, a pair of three-year-old Massimo Dutti loafers, the new-ish APC ankle boots, and my TOMS. I like sticking my feet into any random pair and knowing they almost always go with whatever I have on.
- Korean strawberries are in season, and I'm on a sugar high stuffing my face with them
- An old pair of black (now grey-ish) skinny jeans from Mango from my university days (I bought them in 2005? 2006?). They were my "starter" skinny jeans because I wasn't sure if I would wear trousers that tight on a regular basis. Turns out, I do, and I'm surprised how well these ones have aged.
- Two cotton short-sleeved boxy tops I bought in 2012 and last year - perfect now that the weather is heating up.
I can't believe it's March.
i am super curious about your rescue diving - will have to discuss more next time we're both online :)
What else have I loved? Wearing my Carven coat and grey cashmere pullovers - both excellent staples. Good wine. Old delicate gold jewelry.
Can't wait for spring - tired of the cold evenings and ready for a seasonal shift.
Now that school holidays are over in Paris I'll catch up a viewing of the Lego movie...
What I like now is clearing up my home: getting rid of the old junk (mags, papers and over used stuff) and buying new kitchen accessories, bed-linen, lamps etc.
I discovered this whole bread made with linen seeds that's delicious and it's my new addiction along with chicory salad.
Thinking about spring fashion but not rushing to buy anything yet, I feel a bit more in control... and I like that.
Is the lego film that good? I've only heard praise so far, now I'm intrigued...
maja h: it's quite scary to realise that another few blinks and a quarter of the year will be over.
I hate that in-between phase with shoes, when you can't find the right ones but your old ones look way too seedy.
ammu: the lovely breezy weather you enjoyed here has ended, and now it's baking again! It hasn't rained in weeks either, no respite at all.
aissa: yes, the feelings of my co-workers are always a consideration.
your food loves sound very interesting...i have been eating s unhealthily and also a little bored my habits.
kali: it's very cute - not the smartest or funniest movie out there but it was such a delight to just see the animation, and anyone who consumes pop culture will get all the jokes.
marlene: yes so much has happened this year already...was still absorbing news of the floods and then suddenly this ukraine crisis has taken over the headlines.
i was just thinking the same thing about "fashion mojo", how every once in a while i see something that's happening now in fashion i'm actually excited by.