Was reading The Vivienne Files, as recommended by Danse de Lune, and she wrote about Wordle, which got me started on creating my very own wardrobe word cloud. If you have a good 15 minutes on your hands in front of your computer, and can remember everything you’ve worn in the past few months or so, make one! I love any project that lets me choose fonts and layout and colours and even better when it involves clothes and even, even better when it involves statistics. You can tell from that giant-sized “COTTON” floating around what’s statistically dominant in my wardrobe…
intemporelledappel: oh I did a screen grab...I couldn't figure out how to post it directly either. I saved it and uploaded to flickr and posted here via flickr, like i do for all my photos.
sonia: it should for most people i think! i think viscose would figure heavily as well, for me, if i were to include mixed fabrics.
lapindelune: thanks for the terrific blog recommendation!
Love having myself explained. I'll try it later.